One particularly devastating result of centuries old, intergenerationally embodied and systemic racism is exponentially higher rates of maternal and infant perinatal morbidity and mortality in Black families. If you don’t already know the causes and implications, please see the following:

Birthing Liberation by Sabia Wade

Psychology Today: Racial Disparities in US Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates, PTSD associated with women's experiences of racism impacts perinatal outcomes.

Evidence Based Birth: Research on Racism and Maternal Health

In reparation for centuries of harm to Black and Indigenous bodies, and with hope and trust in trauma informed perinatal care as healing agent for future generations, I encourage white families to consider joining me in supporting the following organizations:

The Bridge Project

Ancient Song Doula Services (NYC)

Black Mamas Matter

Sister Song (Atlanta)

For the Village (San Diego)

Mutual Aid for Black Lives

Moms Rising

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and inhumane.”

—Martin Luther King Jr.